Most cigar lovers will be able to fondly remember their first cigar that they tried. Sometimes, it brings a sense of nostalgia to think about it. Often, it makes you want to recapture the moment. But what can you do when the brand you started with goes out of business? My first cigar was a Casa de Nicaragua. I had been smoking pipe tobacco up until then, and had tried a few flavored cigars which I don't really count as real cigars since the flavoring masks the natural wonderfulness of a true hand-rolled cigar. My wife wanted to give me a special present, so she took me to our local cigar shop. She had the man in the shop help select a box of cigars for me. It happened to be Casa de Nicaragua. We moved to another city and the box was stored away in our garage. By the time I opened the box again it had been about a year. That year had worked some magic on my cigars, they had aged wonderfully in our garage! They were smooth, mild, and full of wonderful creamy cigar flavor. Pleasant from start to finish! Well by the time I finished that box, I was hooked and have been smoking cigars regularly ever since. For several years I was able to get the Casa de Nicaragua in several big ring sizes - Presidente, Gigante, and Viagigante. The large ring size seemed to help guarantee the smoothness and the well balanced flavor of the cigars. The only problem was that some boxes had problems with the cigars unraveling or plugging. Well, they finally stopped selling them. Luckily, I had already learned the joy of trying samples of different brands. The variety of flavors is a journey to be taken by a cigar smoker. It is a shame that I will not be able to return to my Casa de Nicaragua cigars, but I will fondly reminisce about them as I try new cigars. If you are a cigar lover, tell me about your first cigar.
So many good things are taken off the market, when we love them so much...Maybe it's a conspiracy!!!
ReplyDeleteBaby, you give me credit where when you don't have to, but I am glad you do. I remember your first like it was yesterday, aaawwww you have had so much fun and what man doesn't deserve it!(Well I can think of one at least). Now stop witting and go have a cigar!!!!!